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HomeCampingCamping TipsCouples Camping Ideas For The Perfect Romantic Outdoor Getaway

Couples Camping Ideas For The Perfect Romantic Outdoor Getaway

Couples Camping

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Long walks through nature, roasting marshmallows on the campfire, stargazing… you’ve got to admit, camping is a lot more romantic than it seems at first glance!

If you’re planning a romantic camping trip with that special someone, you’re in for a real treat.

This article takes an in-depth look at everything you need to consider when planning the perfect couples camping getaway.

I’ve also included a bunch of exciting activity suggestions to keep the romantic vibes alive.

Want to find out more? Let’s dive straight in.

A Guide To Planning A Couples Camping Getaway

So, you want to take bae on a romantic camping trip, but you don’t know where to start when it comes to planning it?

Wondering what you can do to make it extra special?

Worried you’re missing an important detail?

Don’t worry. There are a few things you can do to make sure the trip turns out to be everything you imagined and more!

Picking A Romantic Destination

Let’s be honest, this is the easy part.

Nature is always spectacular, so finding a stunning location for a romantic camping trip shouldn’t be too difficult.

There are loads of national parks with campgrounds where you can set up base. These are all incredible places, so you really can’t go wrong.

If you want a destination that goes above and beyond, some particularly breathtaking options include:

Keep in mind that a crowded, noisy campsite can really put a damper on the romance.

Try to find a secluded, private space that’s just for the two of you.

Having a hidden spot all to yourselves will really let you create an intimate atmosphere.

Romantic Camping Meal Ideas

couple cooking on the campfire

The saying goes that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. What I want to know is, how come nobody ever seems to recognize the fact that it goes both ways?

Believe me, there are few ways you can impress a lady more than by cooking up a delicious meal.

So, whoever the chef is in the relationship, or even if neither of you are, make a point of making your meals special.

Have fun cooking together. Turn it into a fun activity.

Just because you’re camping doesn’t mean romantic meals are off the cards. In fact, there are so many delicious recipes you can whip up while camping. You can even cook up a storm on the campfire!

Picture a night by the campfire, a mouthwatering spread, a bottle of wine, the stars, and that special someone.

Sounds like heaven, am I right?

What About The Sleeping Arrangements?

couple lying on a blanket

OK, so you might not be able to turn your campground into a penthouse suite at The Plaza, but you can still make it pretty comfy.

If you’re tent camping, make sure you’ve got a good quality tent or yurt, and a double sleeping pad or air mattress for couples.

Also, make sure you’ve got nice, comfortable pillows, to make sure you get a good night’s sleep. This also goes for those of you sleeping in a camper.

Think double everything. Double sleeping bag, double camping chairs, or a double hammock. These will let you snuggle up and cuddle anytime you feel like it.

Note: many rectangular sleeping bags can also be zipped together into a large double sleeping bag.

If you’re car camping, it’s a good idea to bring lots of cushions and soft, warm blankets, to make things feel extra cozy and homey.

Finally, if you haven’t got a campfire going, battery-powered fairy lights are another great option for romantic lighting in the evenings.

Romantic Activity Ideas

So, what’s the best way to fill up your time during the day?

On a couples camping trip, you want to focus on activities that will strengthen the bond you share with your significant other.

There are plenty of things you can do together in the great outdoors that will be loads of fun, and bring you closer together.

Here are some of our top suggestions.

I’d Climb To The Top Of A Mountain For You…

couple taking selfie on top of a mountain

Or in this case, with you.

Hiking a breathtaking trail is a wonderful way to spend the day outdoors and connect with nature, and each other.

When you set off on a hike, you’ve got a mission. Reaching the viewpoints and fulfilling your goal is an awesome feeling, and sharing that with your other half is a great way to bond.

It isn’t all about finishing the hike, though. When you’re out in nature, it’s all about the journey.

Sometimes, the greatest hikes are the ones you get lost on. You never know what you might come across that you never would’ve seen if you’d stayed on your intended path.

Riding Away Into The Sunset

hose trail sign

OK, so I think we can all agree that horseback riding is inherently romantic. As long as you don’t fall off, that is.

So, saddle up and take bae on the ride of your lives.

Check to see if there are any stables in the area you’re heading to and book a horse riding adventure for two.

Floating Around In Hot Springs

A warm, steaming thermal bath would have to be just about the most romantic place nature has to offer. It’s literally a natural jacuzzi nestled in an enchanting outdoor setting. Doesn’t get much more romantic than that.

The best thing about hot springs is that they’re the perfect destination for a romantic camping getaway all year round. Whether it’s during the summertime or in the middle of a freezing cold winter, hot springs are always an excellent choice.

In fact, I’d actually say they’re even better when it’s cold outside. The icy air makes the beautiful, warm water even more comforting.

Also, it’s a hell of a lot steamier. If you know what I mean.

Romantic Evenings By The Campfire

No camping trip is complete without relaxing nights spent roasting marshmallows on the campfire. Couples camping is no different.

In fact, a campfire is a surefire way to create a romantic atmosphere at your campsite when the sun goes down.

Around the Campfire Activities - S'mores
There’s no better campfire activity than roasting marshmallows.

Other than keeping you nice and toasty warm, a campfire will also contribute to the mood in a couple of other ways. It’ll provide you with romantic lighting and a mesmerizing visual backdrop.

Plus, you can use it to roast marshmallows and make hot cocoa, or even a delicious campfire dinner.

Fun & Games

couple playing a card game

These days, we’re all more or less used to having a screen glued to our face, providing constant stimulation throughout the day.

When we’re out in nature, the absence of this stimulation can sometimes leave us not knowing what to do with ourselves.

It’s easy to fill this void during the day, as nature is far more stimulating than anything you’ll see on a screen.

But, what about after dark, when you can’t see anything anymore?

First of all, I strongly suggest you pack a fully charged portable speaker.

Put your favorite music on, crank up the volume, and dance the night away. A romantic dance by the campfire is a great way to finish off the evening.

Another great way to pass the time in the evenings is playing a game together. Some of my favorites are:

Of course, if you want to whip out your laptop or tablet and watch a movie, go for it.

Screen time is allowed while you’re camping, as long as it isn’t spent on social media.

Forget about the rest of the world for a while and just focus on yourselves, each other and everything around you.

Note: don’t play drinking games if you have a big hike planned for the next day. Just don’t.

Do You Want To Hear The Good News Or The Bad News?

Going camping with bae can be a wonderful outdoor adventure, filled with memories that will last a lifetime. On the other hand, under certain circumstances, it can turn into a camping trip from hell.

I always like to start with the good news, so here it is.

The Good News

There are so many ways that a romantic getaway can bring two people closer together.

Doing fun and challenging things together in a new setting can build trust and strengthen your bond.

Getting to see someone out of their element can often make you feel more attracted to them. In these situations, we get to learn more about each other.

This can sometimes be just what a couple needs to connect in a way they might not be able to as easily at home.

The Bad News

Of course, it can’t all be rainbows and unicorns all the time.

Sometimes, things can go wrong. And, as you can imagine, when you’re stuck together in the middle of nowhere, things escalate quickly.

So, what are some common things that can happen to cause trouble in paradise?

As much as you might want to keep things mysterious, it’s always a good idea to discuss what you want to do on your camping adventure before you head off.

If you’ve been camping before, you might already have a pretty good idea about the kind of activities you’re interested in. However, the activities you have in mind aren’t necessarily all going to be terribly exciting for your partner.

To avoid any unhappy scenarios, take everyone’s interests into account.

I’d also like to point out the importance of having realistic expectations about physical capabilities. This applies to your partner’s, as well as your own.

Venturing off on a difficult trail that one (or both) of you can’t handle isn’t going to end well.

Unless you’re an outdoorsy couple and you’re both experienced hikers, take it easy. Go for a less challenging trail.

On a final note, I recommend making a camping checklist and double-checking that you’ve packed everything you need. This will avoid animosity over important camping gear that someone forgot to pack.

If you don’t want to make your own, you can use our couples camping checklist instead!

The Bottom Line

With just a little bit of planning and effort, you can pull off the couples camping trip of your dreams.

Find activities you’re both into and you’re sure to have a great time.

But don’t get too caught up in everything going to plan.

Savor the beautiful nature around you and each other’s company. Relax. Laugh. Take photos. At the end of the day, it’s all about having a good time!

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