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HomeOutdoorsI love The OutdoorsI Love The Outdoors Interview #25 – Hiking Switzerland

I Love The Outdoors Interview #25 – Hiking Switzerland

I Love The Outdoors Hiking Switzerland

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There are so many great bloggers, YouTubers, podcasters, and photographers out there creating amazing outdoor content on a daily basis.

Not only did I want to personally get to know them better, but I also wanted to explore their outdoor influences and passion for nature.

Thus, we’ve launched the I Love The Outdoors Interview Series.

If you are interested in participating in the series, please contact us and let us know!

Hiking Switzerland

1. Tell Us A Little About Yourself.

Hey there, nice to meet everyone! Happy to be here.

A little about me.

I am an avid hiker, a lover of the great outdoors, trail and road runner, and generally a super active, middle-aged family-man.

You can generally find me out on a trail in the mountains!

2. What Is Your Favorite Outdoor Activity? 

The view over Central Switzerland from the back of the Stanserhorn.
The view over Central Switzerland from the back of the Stanserhorn.

Hiking, hands down. For me, it strikes the best balance and hits all of my interests in one activity. It is low impact so you can do it for life.

Need some time alone to think? Hiking is perfect. Prefer a social activity? Go hiking with a group of family members or friends.

Gets you outside in nature, the fresh air, and the sun, all of which are great for the body and mood.

An excellent and well-rounded form of exercise, especially when hiking uphill or wearing a pack.

3. Where Is Your Favorite Trail? 

I love the Outdoors Interview #25 - Hiking Switzerland
The Lauterbrunnen Valley, Switzerland. With 72 waterfalls and endless trails, this is a hiker’s paradise and is on the route of the Via Alpina.

My favorite trail is the Via Alpina, a multistage trail through the Swiss Alps. The trail crosses the entire country over 20 stages and across 14 mountain passes.

In addition to the high mountain passes, the trail crosses lush lowlands and quaint Swiss villages, providing a wonderful and diverse array of sights.

But perhaps the best part are the amazing alpine huts of the Swiss Alpine Club that provide affordable accommodations and amazing food and drinks along the way. More info about the Via Alpina can be found here.

4. Where Is Your Favorite Camping Spot? 

The Trifthütte, a Swiss Alpine Club hut that was unfortunately destroyed by an avalanche.

I will take an expansive view of the term “camping” here and say that my favorite place to sleep in nature is in any of the Swiss Alpine Club’s 153 alpine huts scattered throughout the Swiss Alps.

These rustic, yet extremely comfortable huts are connected through an amazing 60,000 kilometers of well-maintained and marked trails.

These huts are frequently serviced via helicopter, allowing them to offer delicious, fresh, homemade meals and drinks throughout the hiking season.

Their reasonable prices for room and board make them a wonderful and accessible option for all hikers. More info about these huts can be found here.

5. What Was Your All-Time Best Camping Or Hiking Experience? 

I love the Outdoors Interview #25 - Hiking Switzerland
Bryce Canyon National Park.

My favorite hike ever was an all day hike through Bryce Canyon in Utah. It was late spring so there was plenty of snow on the ground, but the air was warm, the sun was shining, and there were no crowds.

Bryce has a wonderful network of marked trails through the main canyon that can be linked up to create a wonderful, diverse full-day hike.

We took our time, marveling at the striking contrast between the orange rocks, blue sky, white snow, and green evergreens. It was a magical experience.

6. Who Is Your Favorite Person To Camp Or Hike With?

Easy answer – my family. There is no better group of folks for me to spend time with on the trail.

Even though some steep, long trails may require a constant refrain of “Keep going!”, “You’re doing great!”, and “We’re almost there!”, it is worth the effort to see the joy and pride that the kiddos feel when they reach the summit.

It is wonderful to be able to share and pass on my love of hiking and outdoors with my family.

7. What Is Your Favorite Piece Of Gear & Why? 

I think it’s hard to have a good time while hiking if you’re not comfortable. So, my favorite piece of gear would have to be a good pair of socks.

There are a ton of good brands and options out there to pick from (for example, Darn Tough, Smartwool, etc.), but I am partial to a particular mid-height, mid-weight sock made by Balega.

This sock breathes super well, prevents blisters, and is amazingly comfortable and durable. Well worth the $20 price.

8. What Do You Love About The Outdoors? 

I love the Outdoors Interview #25 - Hiking Switzerland
The trail to the Glärnischhütte, another hut with the Swiss Alpine Club.

Most people these days generally live hectic, stressed-out, and busy lives. It’s a life full of screens, deadlines, and to-do lists.

I think regularly being outside in nature provides an important counterbalance to these aspects of life.

It allows you to recharge, de-stress, and generally slow down your brain while moving your body, which is more or less the opposite of many people’s regular work days sitting all day and stressed out!

9. What Outdoor Places Are On Your Bucket List? 

I have a list of long distance trails that I would love to try. But of all the amazing options, I am particularly intrigued by the Pembrokeshire Coastal Path in Wales.

This 186-mile trail hugs the spectacular and wild cliffs of Wales, with ample lodging options in local inns along the way. An interesting and unique hiking experience to say the least.

10. What Is Your Goal As An Outdoor Content Creator? How Can We Support You & Where Can We Find Your Content?

I love to share my love of hiking, especially hiking in Switzerland :), with the world and other hiking enthusiasts. It brings me joy to share my pictures, passion, and knowledge with like-minded folks around the world.

You can find me on X (formerly Twitter) at @HikingSchweiz. I post a daily picture as inspiration to hit the trails and love interacting with folks seeking info about different hiking areas and trail options come check it out!

I also have a blog entitled Hiking Switzerland with in-depth trip reports and pictures of some of my favorite hikes:

Feel free to subscribe to never miss a post! Thanks in advance for checking it out and your support!

Hiking Switzerland, thanks for the great interview and for participating in the I Love The Outdoors Interview Series!

If you are interested in participating and sharing your story, please contact us and let us know!

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